Posts Tagged ‘Snow’

Our World Has Shifted Again

March 26, 2017

I don’t have pictures to add, so I will use Ellen’s  from last year.

It’s been quite a while since I did a post – 3 months to be exact!  I have had trouble writing because my little finger on my left hand has put in extra letters and I have to keep going back to fix it.  I have finally decided on the 2 finger hunt and peck system to eliminate as much as I can.  I’ll do spell check and if there are other errors, I’d say you will be able to figure them out without any problem.

We’ve had 2 snow storms, one on the 1st of the year, the other last month.  I definitely don’t go out in snow – I did my show from home rather than risk finding myself in a ditch.  I would have been fine, it was smarter to do it from home.  I had one I had to have a rebroadcast because I lost my voice – not helpful in radio.  I feel I am getting the hang of the show after 5 months, though what seemed clear a bit ago, isn’t quite so clear.  Definitely a learning experience.

Eddie has retired for the 4th or 5th time.  Two weeks ago was Eddie’s last day with Andy – finance is not his thing and spending time at the aviation conference really brought that home to him.  He had such a great time that week – like a kid in a candy store.  He met all kinds of people and his Kaplanian Report was a hit.  He is following up on contacts, talking to people and looking to creating a new venture in commercial aviation.  We don’t know how it will show up or how it will look yet.  Eddie has decided that at this age he doesn’t have to do something he doesn’t want to do.

That also means he is home a lot more – a big adjustment for both of us.  I let him know I haven’t retired, I have my own life and business.  There also my medical life,.  Tomorrow is a cardiac scoring the cardiologist wanted me to do – on me.  I am going to see my dermatologist on Friday to check if I have to do minor MOHS surgery or not.  I opt for not.   I need new orthotics, I have a list to the right since I broke my hip and I am noticing it more as time goes on.  Maybe they will even help me clip my toenails, I am having trouble reaching as well as strength to clip.  Both of us are dealing with runny, stuffy nose and sneezing – is it sinus or allergy?  No one seems to know.  Doc Pierce would rather save the antibiotics for heavy-duty situations – that’s fine with me.  I prefer to go do the things I want to do and not spend so much time on medical.

My personal injury case is finally settled – it’s only been a year and a half.  I got money earlier and then the second one just came recently.  I called Brad to find out when he can start on the downstairs bathroom – he came by this week with ideas and a budget.  He needs to schedule the plumber and electrician, so I’m not sure when he will start.  Since there will be a new shower stall, he wants to dig up the old one and see what is underneath before the plumber comes.  So he will do that first – Eddie can still the sink and toilet but will shower up here.  Since he will probably be home, he can make the decisions for his bathroom.

We had Mr. Rooter out because the hot water went wonky.  He had to replace the elements, my bad for not draining the water heater every year.  It’s so lovely to have it working properly again.  The joys of home ownership.  I also have a new toilet seat – the other one was loose and I have a bit more bulk now, so the mix didn’t work out very well.  No more loose toilet seat.

We have had more rain in the last 3 months than all of last year.  Not sure why – it still feels like fall and winter even though the flowers are blooming.  The crocuses were out last month – it was chilly – and they bloomed their hearts out.  Then the mini daffodils are blooming and a pink Hyacinth came up from out of nowhere.  Now the grape hyacinths are showing their pretty, purple faces.  The Scillas have greenery all over the place, soon they will have lovely lavender blossoms.  The forsythia on the bank finally bloomed, they are usually the first.

The moles have been busy off and on – Eddie is sure if he leaves them alone, they don’t produce so many mounds.  Let’s face it, they haven’t helped the lawn except to maybe aerate the soil.

As you can see, not a lot of excitement or big news lately.  However, I hope to get back into the groove of writing posts again – I miss it and it helps me process things.


Candy sent this lovely butterfly – great finish for the post.

Thank You both for the lovely photos you send me, I love to seeing them.


A Particularly Uncomfortable Few Days

November 29, 2014

Boy, computers can bug the hell out of me!!!!!!!!  Yesterday we signed Eddie up for his prescriptions and they sent an email for an electronic signature.  We did it just now and nothing works to send it through.  However, it just occurred to me they are closed, their computers are too.  We’ll try again tomorrow.  And for some reason, the first time I started this post, the bugger would only let me write the title, not the post itself.   Now it’s working – technology 2, Me 0.  I WILL not let it defeat me!  I won’t even mention the printer.


This is one of Candy’s photos, after the week I’ve had, it always brings a smile to see the rose.  Thank you Candy.

That isn’t the subject, I got sidetracked just before I started writing.  It isn’t painful, just aggravating.

And now to business.  A week ago Thursday I was here in the office and ended up with another splinter in my foot from the hard wood floor.  It is the only place it happens and this time I couldn’t pull it out.  I could feel the end but since it was on the bottom of my heel, I couldn’t see it or bend enough to see it.  Eddie tried getting it out, but he couldn’t either.  It wasn’t that uncomfortable, I have had other splinters that stayed in my foot and have not given me trouble.  By Saturday I could feel it, it seemed to be pushing itself farther into my heel.  I began to feel as if I had a twig in there.  By Monday it was so uncomfortable and I didn’t want to walk on it.  I was sitting here and Eddie said “You have that look.”  I asked what look.  He said the look of “I don’t like this”.  Spot on, he was so right.

Tuesday I was really limping – fortunately I had an appointment with my rheumatologist and my infusion.  When I saw Jennifer – the doc’s nurse – I found myself ready to cry.  I had been having a really bad time and I so appreciated Jennifer as she took the splinter out and cleaned all the junk in it – it had become infected.  It hurt like crazy when she took it out, but I was so relieved to have it gone and cleaned up.  As it was, I did  start crying a bit from relief.

They put a bandage on it and decided I wouldn’t get my infusion.  Fortunately I also had an appointment with Doc Pierce in the afternoon – could I have timed it any better?  He checked it out and gave me a prescription for antibiotics and orders to soak my foot in Epsom Salts.  I have another appointment with him on Tuesday, then an appointment on Thursday for the rheumatologist and I hope my infusion.  Not the most comfortable week, I spent a lot of time sleeping or napping to rest from all the pain and stress.

I am still soaking my foot and everything is so much more comfortable.  I hope it looks good to both docs next week.  As for me, it feels so good to walk comfortably again.  The antibiotics are for 8 days, 3 a day.  Tuesday night, Eddie was ready to cancel our dinner reservation for Thanksgiving  “because you can’t walk”.  I’m glad he didn’t because I was doing much better Thursday afternoon and we had a lovely dinner at Il Fornaio.  It was amazing how quiet it was on the viaduct and downtown, hardly any traffic.  We were half an hour early and they gave us a table right away.

We decided to do the traditional Thanksgiving dinner of 3 thick slices of white meat, yams, stuffing, mashed potatoes, haricot vert and cranberry sauce.  I couldn’t eat all of it, but I did enjoy it.  We decided to have pumpkin pie as well, though it was one thing too many.  But it was a great dinner all around.  We just relaxed all day, reading, working the computer and watching some tv.  It really felt good.  We were glad we were home before it started raining.

However, Friday we were out paddling around in the heavy rain, didn’t go too far a field and were glad to come home and be warm and dry.  This morning we woke up to snow – really coming down for a while.  I think we had an inch or so, the roads were bare and wet fairly quickly.  Good thing because the temperature has dropped and anything liquid is going to be ice.  We saw so many people who had left their car outside, full of snow not very well cleared off.  What a difference to keep our cars in the garage so we don’t have to scrape.

Today we went out for a bit, the wind was really cold and it is due to be colder tonight and the next few days.  It will be drier, clearer and colder – not much fun being outside in that weather.  Not much else to report, we haven’t been doing much these days of the holiday but we have enjoyed it.

That Was The Week That Was

November 23, 2014


Fall at Vanderbilt University – nothing to do with my post but so lovely I wanted to share it.

It’s a week later and I am relieved to have the letter and its accompanying  attachments on their way to DSHS – all thanks to Dave Gagley.  It will be interesting to see  if there is an answer and if so, what it will be.  Fortunately they will be sending it to Dave, not me.  Now I am possibly making it out to be worse than it is, I don’t like messing with government in any form.

I feel I have taken off my training wheels for the radio show, I am feeling more confident being on air, the times when I am suddenly at a loss for words are fewer and I am able to  recover.  I am still working on my archives, the downloads don’t quite fit the mb quota of my site.  Definitely need to work out how to put it on iTunes as a podcast.  I am also working on guests, some people are a bit shy about being on the air, even if it is on the phone.  But I am not pushing because that doesn’t help make people comfortable.

I am beginning to think my fatigue has loosened up a bit – I sleep all night, have naps in the afternoon and still have trouble getting up in the morning.  I planned to do  several things this week, instead I was dragging and had naps.  Wednesday afternoon I went to the eye doctor for a check up – I’m doing well and there is only a slight change, I don’t need to buy new glasses.  However, when we came home, I was in bed like a shot because I was beat.  I also just saw snowflakes instead of lights and things were a bit blurry, seemed the smart thing to do since I couldn’t do anything else.

Friday was a really good day.  I was able to do things all day and didn’t feel the need for a nap.  I can’t say the same for Saturday, I work with each day as it comes.  I will say I am impatient to have energy again, it feels so long ago the last time I felt energetic.  It’s so much easier to do things with energy.  I am noticing I  tend to say “I’m tired” – doesn’t help the attitude, my goal is to be aware of what I say about it and make sure it is positive.  It’s a thought, and a thought can be changed.

We have been having rain again, I really noticed it on Thursday.  My legs and hips were stiff and sore, I knew something was going on, but not sure what.  We had a lot of clear, cold and sunny days, we are back to the 40’s and 50’s with rain.  Typical Seattle fall weather.  I will take this  rather than deal with snow, ice or any other cold stuff.  I remember a woman I worked with at Boeing who was from Buffalo.  she said when it snowed hard, her Mom would let her young sister outside because she couldn’t find her in the piles of snow.  I’ve seen pictures of this last snowfall there – a lot of people have prepared for it and are concerned about the snow on the roof.  When it starts raining, that snow will be even heavier.  We had a snowstorm here with quite a few inches, then it rained and roofs caved in.  They were showing on Lake Union the roofs of the boat houses collapsing from the weight.

This coming week is a medical one, Monday afternoon is the dentist – talking to him about being on the show as well as my teeth.  Tuesday is my rheumatologist and then my infusion.  It will be my last visit to her, she is retiring at the end of the year (she is younger than I am).   I will miss her, I’ve been going to her since I moved here 12 years ago.  For their long time patients, they called each of us to let us know this was happening.  also, there are 4 other rheumatologists now, so they looked to see which doctor would fit the patient.  I will see Dr. Shasteen in January, I haven’t met her before but a friend had her as a doctor and really liked her.  Nothing stays the same, certainly I haven’t stayed the same.  I think I also see my primary care doctor as well.  Have to check the calendar.

Eddie is taking Thursday off – we have reservations at Il Fornaio for Thanksgiving dinner at 3:30.  We haven’t done this before, so I’m looking forward to it – we enjoy their food and the people.  For years Eddie would get a turkey as a work bonus and there we would be, a big turkey and the 2 of us.  Some years we invited people over, or we were invited and we provided the turkey.  I think last year we found a ball of turkey at Whole Foods, just dark and white meat and not too big for two. It worked out quite well.

We have also taken care of Christmas shopping for my sisters plus our niece and her family in Toronto.  We had everything sent so we don’t have to carry it on the plane.  Let’s hope there isn’t an ice storm this year – it was really something last year.

Morning to Evening

February 9, 2014

When we got up Saturday morning, this is what we saw!


There was a big cloud over the house, yet we could see the sun rising on the mountains and their layers of snow.


These are such spectacular mountains and I love to see them no matter what the weather.


They are so magnificent!  I miss them when they are covered by clouds.

The weather men have been predicting snow for several days and nothing has happened.  So when they said it would snow last night, we figured it was another false alarm.  Around 8 or so we looked out and By George, it was snowing.  I am always fascinated by snow at night, it lights up everything, as if someone left the lights on.  It is so beautiful, no wind so everything is just piled on the ground, the bushes and the trees.  There must have been about 2 or 3 inches of snow, we noticed no one going down the Shorewood Dr hill.

It’s not sunny this morning, instead it is very grey – sky, Sound, with only the ground white.   Eddie was due to go to the Museum of Flight this morning, he is still here because he didn’t want to deal with the hills.


What a different view this morning!


No mountains and we can barely see the islands.

Now he getting dressed so he can go out and shovel the walk – it is supposed to start raining overnight, so it may be a redundant use of energy.  However, he has some exercise and will know the walk is clear tomorrow morning.  I want to go take pictures but need to have a shower and get dressed first – better get started so I have pictures for the blog.


I had a shower and put clothes on so I could go out to take pictures – also took some out the bathroom window because it was  beautiful to see snow against the trunks of the camellia and lilac trees.


This is the lilac by the outside stairs and the bathroom window.


Just next to it is the big camellia.  Amazing when the wind doesn’t blow it all off.


The snow piled up on the leaves of the camellia.


Allen’s have a tree next to their deck that is full of light pink blossoms in the spring.  You might say it is flowering in snow today.


I noticed the Rosemary bush was flowering in pale lavender earlier in the week – now it has snow flowers.


This is the Allen’s lilac bush; I picked some last Spring to take to Mom.


Eddie didn’t have much trouble clearing the walk because he said the snow was light.


The camellias by the walk.


I think we had about 3 – 4″ of snow, that’s how it looked to me where Eddie had cleared the walk.


The red pear tree had quite a load of snow –


so did the other pear and the Gravenstein apple.


The east side of the house where the lilac is on the left, the big camellia next to it, the light pink rhododendron, the dark red rhododendron and at the corner is the purple lilac.


The pink dogwood has really grown – my wood stream is somewhere in that bed.


There is the stump of the Fotinia tree – it now has a small tree growing out of the top.  The bumps below are my wood stream.


This is looking behind the east side of the house where the lilacs, rhodos and big camellia are – that’s the outside stairs below.

Things are different now, the truck came by a bit ago to put sand on the road and make Shorewood Dr. hill easier to navigate.  The snow isn’t quite as pretty as it was this morning when I took the pictures – I realize I could have used black and white film and have the same look.  A while ago the fog rolled in, not up here yet but I wouldn’t be surprised to see it happen.

I know this is not a big deal compared to most of the country – I know what it is like from the times I lived in different place.  What we have today is plenty for me and the idea of rain coming tonight is very welcome.  Otherwise it would end up very icy for Eddie tomorrow.  I plan to stay home and work on my taxes for Saturday.

Snow – Part 2

December 21, 2013


I took pictures of Mom’s room on my phone camera – have no idea how to download them.  So I had the camera since I was taking pictures of the snow and decided to take pictures of Mom’s house.


it’s a long, wide one story house with a white picket fence.


This is Eddie and his Volvo, the best way to get around on sloppy roads.  No way would I take the Versa out in the weather.


This is looking into Mom’s room from the hall – the bathroom is just across the hall.


This is Mom’s new hospital bed, I put up the quilted hanging I did for her 85th birthday.  I had put up the two hangings on the bed to cover the circuit breaker panel, but it didn’t work out too well, so I brought them home.


She has windows that face to the front.  If you count windows on the outside, hers is right by the front door on the left.


At the other end of the bed is a set of shelves above the foot of the bed.  There is the picture of the two of them on their both anniversary.  On the lower shelf is a picture of Dad.


We put her butterfly rug by her bed, she designed it herself as well as hooking it.


Across from the bed is her dresser and she has a photo with the three of us girls and Eddie, also taken on the 50th anniversary.


There are a couple of high shelves above the dresser.


I did a closeup of the bureau to show the photo and also the pretty bear Luzma brought her.


When we came home, the snow was mostly gone except for the flowerbeds.


Even the stream looks a bit different.


Some rain has fallen, but it is mostly toolie rain.


Still a bit of interest here; glad I took pictures of the snow.

That was our adventure yesterday in the white stuff.  Glad Eddie didn’t drive all the way to Mukilteo to work, it made me apprehensive because of the other turkeys on the road.

Snow This Morning!!!!!

December 20, 2013

We’ve been hearing about snow in other parts of the country, now we can say we have snow too – or did have snow.  It is late afternoon and the temperature warmed up enough that a lot of the snow is gone – seems to have stayed in the dirt and mulch in the flowerbeds.  The weather people kept saying it was going to snow last night but nothing showed up until about 5 a.m., just as Eddie was ready to go to work.  He decided it wasn’t worth dealing with the highways and other drivers – I was very glad he decided not to go.  We probably had about 2″ of snow – more than enough for me.  I even remembered to take some pictures before it was gone.

SAMSUNG DIGITAL CAMERAI took this out the bathroom window, I wanted to show snow on the leaves before the wind started to blow.


Looking to the right of the window, the lilac tree and on the right, the outside stairs.


This is to the left of the window.


This is straight out the window toward the hedge by the street.


I still was in my nightie and bare feet, so I took the next few from the back door – not quite daylight.




You can see a bit of Eric’s lights across the way – looks more impressive in the dark.


I had trouble taking photos out the window with the flash – so I took a picture of the window to see the view.


The ding room window.


We went out about 10:30 or so – Eddie drove his Volvo.


Not the brightest morning I’ve ever seen.


The log slices looked different with an inch or two of snow.


My little stream looks a little strange.


Another angle.


Looking back to the house – the side walk was slushy and also crunchy.

Part 2 coming in the next post.

The Only Snow I’ve Seen This Year

December 15, 2013

Most of the country has been dealing with a lot of  snow lately.  We had (to us) really cold weather but nothing on the ground except some frost.  If it is snowy or icy here, we have so many hills to navigate – if I can’t get up and down the hospital hill, I won’t be going anywhere.  True, I don’t have all wheel drive as Eddie does in his Volvo, so I stay put until the roads out of here are passable for me.  Does put a crimp in things for me, but I would rather be inside and warm rather than trying to explain to Eddie why I am in a ditch somewhere and the has had its carriage work rearranged.

Call me chicken if you want, twice I have been stuck on a hill in the snow and had to be recued.  The first time I remember was on the hill of Myers Way – stuck in the middle and going sideways.  I was really scared, the cars were coming down the hill and I was across both lanes.  A guy in a Jeep came by and he and his friend pushed the car to the side and took me home.  Later, Dad drove me over to pick up the when the road was clear.

The second time I managed to get up the hospital hill from Ambaum but couldn’t get across the top.  Dad came out and rescued me.    Another time I had rented a car to visit here and couldn’t get up the hospital hill, so I parked in the parking lot on Ambaum and Bob Allen came down to get me.  Ever since then, I don’t drive in snow unless I get caught when I am out somewhere.

So thanks to my sister Ellen, I have some pictures of snow.  They from the first snowfall in Ocean Grove, New Jersey.


I think these are houses near the shore.


This is on the new boardwalk, the pavillion


This always amazes me, snow on the sand by the water.


Ellen isn’t the only one out very early in the morning.


The sun is beginning to come up and the sky is beautiful

I am quite happy to see snow this way, no desire to be in it.  One thing about working from home, I can still do things as long as the electricity stays on.  Once that’s gone, no computer, radio or anything – especially no lights.  We can at least light a fire in the fireplace and huddle in front of it.  I can also write with pen and paper and read, so I am not completely at a loss for something to do.  Of course, it is lovely to watch the snow fall and later the sparkly fresh snow crèches and is beautiful.  It is always interesting to see what tracks have been made – humans and creatures.

We are going to Toronto for christmas and I wouldn’t be surprised if they have snow.  it will probably be cold, so I am thinking wooleys, gloves and things to keep me warm.  Maybe we will not have to deal with it at all.  We had a several hour layover on our way to Jerusalem the last time – lovely sunny day, absolutely perfect.  Now we’ll see the opposite.  Our niece and her family are there and we are really looking forward to seeing them again after almost 14 years.

Eddie called his sister in Jerusalem yesterday morning, they were hit by the snow storm that covered a lot of the Middle East.  How her son made it up the hill to open the shop, I have no idea.  They don’t have central heating, usually kerosene heaters.  Since their apartment block is made of concrete, it can get cold and damp in the winter, so it isn’t easy for them to keep warm at the moment.

Snow is on the way for Ellen again, it will be interesting to see the photos from that.

Thank You Ellen for your lovely photos, I enjoy each one you send me.

I am in awe of the frost

January 17, 2013

We had a very thick frost yesterday morning but I didn’t know it was there until I left the house at o dark thirty for Breakfast Club.  At this time of the year it is dark as a pocket until about 7 or 7:30, so I wasn’t  quite sure how things would be when I left early.  Eddie did tell me there was frost and to be very careful.  So I got ready to go, got out my trusty pocket LED flashlight I carry in my purse and set out.  One of my many samples – it’s good to be a Promotional Advisor, so many lovely samples.  I turn on the flashlight when I turn off the kitchen light – it is across the room from the back door.  So there I was with just a flashlight, looking as if I am up to something nefarious.  I locked the door and that’s another place the flashlight is handy.  As I was going down the porch, I didn’t see much of anything, and the sidewalk was fine for a few steps.  Then I saw the frost and thought it wasn’t as bad as Eddie had said.  But what I noticed when I came to frost on the walk, was how it sparkled, like tiny diamonds.  As I went further down there was more and more, and I saw the sparkles in the grass with white all around the blades.  It was also damn cold!

As I backed out of the drive and turned into the street, I noticed the street was completely white.  Now that was where I really had to watch it!  It was also gorgeous as well.  I could hear the crunch of the tires on the frost – it is so much like snow when it is fresh.  When I got to the end of the street I had to make a fast left turn up the Top of a steep hill.  Fortunately, someone had put thin ribbons of deicer or something on the street, so it wasn’t slick.  Let me tell, doing the fast left turn with everything covered in snow is not that easy – it has kept many a driver on our street from getting out to the road.  Anytime it snows, I do not go anywhere – after getting stuck on a hill twice in the snow, there is nothing that important that requires me to go out in it.

I had a few slopes, then up a steep hill and down the other side to get out to main road.  Those ribbons made navigating the hills no problem.  I had no trouble  getting to the freeway, the cars had melted the frost so it was bare.  When I got off in Kent, wow!  There was a stretch of road I thought would be bare and wet, but it was white and as I was driving it looked as if it had snowed, the cars in the dealership were really covered with frost.  Then shortly after I had gone farther down, the road was clear again.  I wish I could have seen the frost in the day light, but there was also fog, so it was quite awhile before there was any sun and by then most of the frost was gone.

I know there are many people around the country and the world who  are having a lot worse weather than we are.  I was amazed I was so focused on how beautiful it was that I didn’t really think about being afraid of driving.  I had that feeling this morning in the shower, I just felt so good with the hot water  falling on me, warming me up and relaxing me.  I could spend a long time in the shower – actually spent 35 minutes one morning in rehab.  I was doing pretty well at that time and I could get out of the wheel chair and go into the walk in shower.  Katrina told I could do my own washing on the bench and she had someone else in the other shower.  I was enjoying the water and being clean again – only 2 showers a week.  I am used to having a shower every day.  I did pretty well, though every once in a while, she would call across the room “Are you washing?”.  They were all like mother hens there, they took such good care of me and everyone else.  They kept kidding me about wanting to spend time in the hot shower, so this particular morning I got spend more time than usual.  So they had a great laugh about it and later when I went to breakfast, some residents were talking about someone who took a 35 minute shower.  Sometimes it doesn’t take much to make me happy.

Now I find I am becoming more aware of what is around me, enjoying the moment and what I notice.  It is definitely something I want to do more of and be more in the moment.  I have spent too many decades focusing on what hurts or what I don’t have that I have taken all the blessing I have for granted.

I wanted to find photos of things that were similar to what I saw but I couldn’t find it.  We had frost again this morning with fog, not as thick and I didn’t stop to take pictures because I had to get to my doc.  (Good report – he doesn’t want to see me for 3 months.  The longer between appointments means I am doing well.)


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