
It’s Groundhog Day and I received the first greeting from my friend Kathie last year, so I just sent her an email today to be the first this year.  Looks like Phil has to compete with the Superbowl tomorrow – it is especially crazy here because the Seahawks are playing.  If I never see a 12 again, it can’t be too soon.  this place has gone nuts all season and if they win – Ye Gods and Little Fishes, it will be a madhouse.   As you can tell, Eddie and I are not football fans.  For some of us, it is just another game but there are so many fans out there, they think it is heresy.

I’m sure everyone out there is wondering what Phil will see, whether there will be 6 more weeks of winter or not.  At the moment, there are a lot of places around the country that have more than enough of winter.  We seem to be in a more mild area, the bulbs are sending up shoots already.  I remember my Mom looking down on them and saying “I hope you know what you are doing”.

It’s supposed to get down to the 20’s and 30’s at night for the next few days, wonder how those tender shoots will fare.  As we were coming up the hip this afternoon after shopping, I saw a rhododendron begging to bloom.  A little farther up I saw a forsythia coming out. How strange to see it the 1st of February.

The moles are suddenly active again, 3 new mounds in a  row out in the front.  I notice Delores hasn’t been around to put pellets down, wonder if she has seen them or if she has given up.  I’m wondering what to do when we actually have a proper lawn, will they want to do even more with a real lawn?  That’s quite a while away, so I am not going to think that far in the future.

I wish it weren’t so cold out, I have this urge to dig up the weeds around the shoots, to see what will open up in a bit.  It means I have to bend over from a standing position, gets my back a bit but so nice to see the bed weed free.  A little sun on my back would be so nice.

We have had a bit of everything today, clouds, rain, sun trying to shine through the clouds, a little more rain.  I have been wrapping myself up in my shawl a lot because I am cold, even with a wool sweater on.  Keeps me warm and cosy, plus a nice hot cup of tea is lovely.  Once in a while I get a glimpse of the mountains, they are gorgeous with all the snow.  But they seem to be happier behind the cloud or fog, so it is a treat when they are showing in all their glory.

I saw Mom 3 times this week – Tuesday when I went to visit and brought chocolate and cookies.  She was alert and pleased to see me and the goodies.  I read to her for a bit until my voice started going, told her I would see her Thursday when she had her haircut.  Thursday I arranged for a haircut for her at Providence, what surprised me was to see the yellow in her hair.  She has had this wonderful shiny silver hair for quite a while, now suddenly it is yellow.  not sure if it medication, water or what.  Jeanne suggested a purple rinse to neutralize it.  By that time, Mom was really getting antsy about having her hair washed and  a conditioner put on, so I didn’t want to agitate her any more.    My mother a blue hair?

Well, I think it would neutralize the yellow and only if she used the purple or blue all the time would it turn color.  I will admit, it is stressful with Mom because she gets feisty when someone is doing something for her.  I sat beside her to reassure her and that seemed to help.   Anyway, she had it cut and blown dry, looked pretty well.  I made an appointment for 6 weeks, seemed smart to  do it then.  I wheeled her back up to the Center on the 2nd floor and she would soon be going for lunch.

I saw her yesterday and she seemed a bit sleepy.  She only wanted 1 chocolate and 1 cookie, so I left the rest on her bureau for later.  I read a bit but she was falling asleep, so I didn’t stay very long.  I debated whether I would go Friday, but somehow it felt right to go.

To all I wish you an early happy Ground Hog Day!


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2 Responses to “HAPPY GROUNDHOG DAY!!!!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer Says:

    I sure agree with you about all the Seahawks nonsense, Liz! It can’t end too soon for me.

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